Why Movies Are Better Than Books

Books have many advantages over movies. For starters, they let you see the inner thoughts of the characters. You can also feel what they are feeling. And, they let you relive the moment. With a movie, you’re simply watching someone else tell the story. A book allows you to become part of that story.

They show the inner thoughts of characters

It is not true that movies are better than books because they show the inner thinking of characters. While movies have their pros and cons, books are much better for many reasons. For one, books allow readers to be more imaginative. Reading a book allows readers to escape reality and the problems they face. Moreover, a book can bring a sense of magic to the reader’s imagination.

Another difference between books and movies is the way a book is written. Books contain the thoughts and emotions of the characters, and a large part of the text is internal dialogue. This type of dialogue does not translate well to the screen, especially if there is no narration. Moreover, movies tend to lack the depth of character development. This means that the reader won’t get to know the character as well as a book. Furthermore, the film may cut out parts of the book or shorten certain developments.

They are easier to understand

When it comes to storylines, find similar movies are easier to understand than books. A film can be completed in a couple of hours, while a book can take several months to finish. In addition, movies are more visually appealing. You can judge the movie based on its special effects and action sequences, whereas a book will require a lot of thought and imagination to understand.

Another difference between books and movies is depth. While a film can portray a character’s rage and frustration through a single scene, a book can convey the same emotion using words. For example, a character might be thrown at the screen and smash a table, whereas words on a page can express the same emotion. Thus, life imitates art in this respect. For example, Citizen Kane is much more difficult to understand than The Cat in the Hat.

They offer authenticity and unmediated originality

Besides the convenience factor, movies offer a social aspect that a book cannot. You can discuss the film with your friends and get a wider perspective on the plot. In contrast, reading a book might take you a weekend to finish and you may end up disagreeing on the plot and its significance. Movies can also give you the opportunity to understand the storyline in just a couple of hours instead of weeks.

Books offer authenticity and unmediated originality, whereas films are generally audio-visual renderings of written texts. Authors often sacrifice their lives to create literature that we can enjoy. Books are also a gift to mother earth, whereas mainstream cinema compromises with cheap thrills and glitz to maximize box office.